Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Fish in the Bathtub, Is Still Holy Water?

Assalamuallaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

I want to ask, what is the ruling if we put the fish in the bathtub with the intent that no mosquito larvae. Does it remain holy water or something? thanks.

Try Aprillio Bimo

Wassalamuallaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

The scholars of the Shafi'i school of dissent in menghukumi fish waste;

According to the majority of scholars' Shafi'i schools, legal fish waste unclean. Imam Nawawi stated that this is recognized in the opinion of the Shafi'i madhhab. Meanwhile, according to some scholars' fish waste convicted sacred, because it objects exposed to these impurities such as cooking oil when exposed to dirt not defiled the fish. The author of the book Al ibanah assess menghukumi opinion holy fish waste is Ashoh opinion, even Imam Al Rosyidi claimed that the sacred dirt menghukumi opinion is the opinion of the mu'tamad fish.

Referring to disagreements over. If follow the notion that the fish waste unclean convicted, the law is broken out as follows;

1. If the placement of fish into the pond or aquarium because there is intent, such that the fish eat the impurities present in the pond or aquarium then the law droppings dima'fu (forgiven), so that water is sacred as long as it remains judged not to change one character (smell, taste and color) for the fish feces.

2. If the placement is not because there is hunger, just for decoration. then the law is not dima'fu dung, so that the water that is inside judged unclean (mutanajjis) when the water is only a tiny fraction (less than 2 kulah). Meanwhile, if a lot of water (2 kulah or more) then the water is unclean, if convicted, to change one character (color, smell and taste) caused by the penetration of the fish feces, and not judged impure water when its properties are not to change.

Meanwhile, if we follow the opinion of scholars who menghukumi sacred fish waste, the waste is certainly not in question, although the nature of the water until it turns. Allaah knows best. []

1. Al Wasit, Juz: 1, Page: 154
2. Al Bayan, Juz: 4 things: 525
3. Al Majmu ', Juz: 2 Page: 550
4. Bughyatul Mustarsyidin, Page: 32
5. Hasyiyah Fath al Rosyidi Ala jawad, Page: 44
6. Asnal Matholib, Juz: 1 Page: 13
7. Hasyiyah Alal Al-Bujairomi-Khotib, Juz: 1 Page: 94
8. Hasyiyah Asy-Syarwani Ala Tuhfatul Muhtaj, Juz: 1 Page: 98


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