Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016

First the Chicken or the Egg

IN FACT, beast could give lessons to humans, even though we often do not realize it. And rightly so too does the animals were created by God Almighty., Whose one goal is to give lessons for humans. Some of the name of the letter in the Qur'an, which uses animal names such as Al-Baqarah (The Cow female), An-Nahl (bee), An-Naml (ants), and Al Ankabut (Spider), also dozens of verses that mention or describes animals, largely directed that man could take a lesson or lessons from these animals; to further understand the omnipotence and kemahakebesaran Allah.

"Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, the ships that sail in the sea to bring what is useful to man, and which Allah sends down from the sky water, then with water that he turn the earth after death (dry) of his and He spread on the earth every kind of animal, and the modality of wind and clouds obedient between heaven and earth; Really (there are) signs (oneness and greatness of Allah) for people who reflect. "(Q.S. Al Anbiya 21: 64).

This is a simple question but it makes one wince while trying to answer. Yes, first the chicken or the egg? Indeed, the chicken came from an egg as did the eggs come from chickens. Through some research, as a result of this puzzle has been solved by scientists. According to the research team of scientists from Sheffield and Warwick University in the UK, chicken already exist rather than eggs.

How can? A brief explanation like this, basically the material forming the shell or eggshell proteins that can only be found on the ovaries chicken. So, there's only when the processed eggs in the chicken's body.

How can scientists unravel the puzzle of this one? The scientists used a super computer to enlarge the process of forming an egg. The study proved that a protein called ovocledidin-17 or OC-17 acts as a catalyst to accelerate the formation of the eggshell.

With a super computer named Hector who was in Edinburg, Scotland, scientists revealed that OC-17 is very important in the early stages of crystallization shell formation. The proteins change into hard crystals of calcium carbonate that becomes the fabric shell.

OC-17 accelerated the production of shell eggs in the chicken's body so that within 24 hours of an egg can be released. The thing to remember from this result is that the egg can not be produced without the OC-17 contained in chicken ovaries.

It can be deduced bahwasannya ayamlah came first than the eggs. Most holy God, the One who has created everything with various features and uniqueness of each.

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