Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Charity Secretly that His Left Hand does not Even Know His Right Hand to Give


There are fathers of old toy sellers are often found Asr prayer in congregation in the mosque office. Old bicycle merchandise containing children's toys in the parking in front of the mosque.
Her old man once. If the road, step by step. Maybe is normal if we saw it and moved the hearts of charity to him. But one day I met my friend to buy cars from the father. Simple toy cars of plastic that quality is far from class cars hot wheels. Why buy?
Said Ustadz pack, one form of charity secretly that his left hand does not even know his right hand gives, is charity given that even people who did not know that this is charity.
For example, we need guns people work in our place, but we love in one's work.
Laundry and dry cleaning in the home affairs can be overcome alone, but we give the work at Bik fulanah because we knew he was troubled and needed the money.
Shuttle affairs of school children we can do alone, but we give the job to Mr. So and so that we know the economy is mediocre.
We are in need of the guns being sold a pitchman, but we buy merchandise.
That's just for example only.
The people who were given guns had felt he was given alms. He would come home and said to his wife, "Buk, this money from your job today." Mashaa God.

Habib Munzir Al Musawa in Papua

In a wilderness of Papua
"The rain started pouring down, I (Munzir Al Musawa) could no longer stand and hold hands Asri (pickup driver), 'Asri Stop, stop!. Asri was then stopped the car. I told him: 'I want to move to the back to replace the position of women (nuns), and let him go up in front of where I was sitting. "
Asri unbelievable shock: 'It is impossible Habib fell backward move into this tub! These heavy rains Habib !!.
I said, 'My heart is choking, really though he was a non-Muslim, however he is a woman old enough and sit in the back with the rain, he was a leader and teacher of religion of non-Muslims, he was steadfast in fighting for his religion even if it exposed to rain and heat , While I was a caller to the Way of Allah, I am ashamed to God. I'm supposed to walk 200 km instead of sitting in the pickup were still relaxed. My heart is torn to shreds, I am ashamed, embarrassed "
--- Quoted from the book "taught LOVE YOU sweet head ... Remembering Habib Munzir Al Musawa Founding Assembly of the Prophet Muhammad, Sayyid Abdullah Ba'alawi, Reader Basma, Malang ---
Al Fatihah Ila Rukhi HABIBANA habib munzir al-musawa
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين
الرحمن الرحيم
مالك يوم الدين
إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين
اهدنا الصراط المستقيم
صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين

Why Allah SWT Choose Jesus To Kill Dajjal?


at the end of time will come to be a creature
misleading the entire mankind, this creature called the Dajjal and will be destroyed by the Prophet Isa, Allah SWT Why Choose Jesus To Kill Dajjal? Why not others? If Jesus came back down to earth to kill Dajjal the last Prophet Muhammad is not a prophet, is that right?

Answer It definitely Shocking Muslims "Why did Allah Choose Jesus To Kill Dajjal?"

Why Allah SWT Choose Jesus To Kill Dajjal? This is the answer!
In the holy books have been written that one day at the end time of the Prophet Isa will fall back to kill the Dajjal who has deceived the whole mankind. Thus, does this mean that the Prophet Muhammad was not the last prophet? The answer is no. Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of Muslims and there will be no other prophet that will arise after the Prophet Muhammad. The reappearance of Jesus not as a prophet but as a follower of Prophet Muhammad SAW and he has a duty to kill Dajjal.

Why did Allah chose Jesus to kill Dajjal? The emergence of Jesus later in the end time has been explained clearly in the hadith of the Prophet narrated by Bukhari. In the hadith of the Prophet has explained that later Ibn Maryam will fall back to earth to establish the truth and be a righteous judge, he will break crosses, stop the jizya, kill the pigs that exist, provide a treasure in a very large number

so there will not be a human being who will be willing to accept the treasure.

Jesus down to earth for the second time in the White Tower Damascus, It has also been explained clearly in the hadith of the Prophet narrated by Sahih Muslim. In the hadeeth was mentioned that 'Isa would be lowered

back on top of the white tower of Damascus and his hands will be holding a second shoulder angel with him. Breath Isa can not be kissed by the Antichrist and his followers of Jesus will seek out and kill the Dajjal at the door of Lud. After successfully killing the Dajjal, Jesus went to visit a people protected by God from the Dajjal, and he told the people that it will be protected by God their degrees later in heaven.

Why did God choose Jesus to destroy the Dajjal? Occurrences of Jesus on this earth is to lead mankind to the right path. Isa will appear a second time as the followers of the Prophet Muhammad. It has been described in the hadith of the Prophet ie after successfully kill the Dajjal, Jesus will go to Al-Quds and he will pray behind an imam Muslim. Not only that, Jesus will break the entire cross that exist in this world, kill the pig, and remove the jizya.

The reappearance of Jesus is to keep his promise to Christians and Jews. In the book they have written that there will come a savior or the messiah at the end of time to establish the kingdom of God. Jesus returned to keep its promise and He is the messiah that will establish the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God, so that one day all of humanity will embrace Islam. This is the story of Prophet Isa U.S. kill Dajjal and be fair judges who will bring all mankind to the right path.

According to the hadith of the Prophet, Jesus will lead mankind in a span of 40 years and at that time there will be no other religion than Islam. That is some information about the answer to why Allah Choose Jesus To Kill Dajjal.

May be useful.


Selasa, 15 Maret 2016


 Source: indilens.com

Married for Muslims is a worship that has a high value, because in a lot of religious marriages can be done but it can also be a way of propaganda. Beginning with a contract that is better known with the consent and the promise is sacred.

"O youth, whoever of you have been able then should marry, because he is more subdued and maintain pubic view. And whoever is not able, then he should fast, because he can curb it. "(HR. Bukhari)

From a hadith of the Prophet ordered for his people who are ready to get married to hasten the marriage. Able referred to in the hadith that is capable of physically, mentally and also able to also financially. Usually the ideal age for marriage is 18 to 25 years of age.
Married at a young age is common for some people, but in particular among young married taboo. When there are married at a young age a lot of suspicion from the public, it will usually appear a lot of questions:
"Why ask a young marriage? lest already .... "
"Want to give a child to eat? a child has been asking married ... "
"Learning first, let me find work once the new steady married .."

Maybe that some question or a variety of reasons about getting married at a young age. Before deciding to marry young, you should consider first the reasons why should be married at a young age.
Keeping Yourself And subduing Views

One compelling reason to marry young are increasingly independent association today's youth and the increasing number of women who are no longer way dressed as taught religion. It is very difficult to hold the view today, of course this would be harmful to the footman. Courtship used as a solution that is taken to curb his lust, so the relationship without commitment into the lifestyle of young people today.
This is what will be the way for the devil to plunge into the abyss of human baseness, so many are trapped in adultery. For a Muslim certainly do not want things like that do not you? Therefore married at a young age is one of the efforts to protect and keep away from temptation and seduction that plunges into contempt.
Helps Accelerate Success In his age Young

One of the benefits of marriage is increasing abundance of sustenance from God. It can be seen from most people who are successful in certain areas have been married early age. Once married, the motivation and the drive for success will increase, especially if there is support of the pair will certainly facilitate in achieving the dream.
"And marry people who alone among you, and decent people (spouse) of servants sahayamu that men and servants were female sahayamu. If they are poor, God will enable them with his gifts. And Allah is vast (his gift) again Knowledgeable "(Q.S: An-Nur: 23)
Youth who have a burning passion and emotion overflowing will be more controllable when already married. Apalgi when blessed with a son, will add energy to move towards success.
More To Enjoy "Love"

One of the delights of a marriage is "making love" which was originally illegitimate, but after marriage is permissible even be used as a worship that have reward value. When married at age easily will certainly be able to enjoy it because there is still excess of passion and energy, will be much different when done at the age that has been aged. In addition when young women have a more powerful and fertile womb, so it will increase the likelihood of having a child a lot.
Time and Energy Quality for Children

One of the purposes of marriage in Islam is to give birth to generations who are pious. Good generation certainly do not have to attend an expensive place international label but a pious generation born and raised in the family harmonious and have the time and energy to educate and guide their children.
By marrying at a young age can give the best time for children. Besides young age can still gain a lot of knowledge about parenting as well as a wide range of knowledge about the education of children.
Can Enjoy Old Age with children who had been Adults

The last of the reasons why married at a young age are able to enjoy the old time with children who have grown up. Imagine being married at the age of 30-40 years when it entered the elderly still have to work hard to pay for her children's school. Therefore, by getting married at a young age will make it easier to finance the needs of children.
Yes, that's 5 reasons why should be married at a young age, but not until after reading this article immediately step on the gas to get married. But be prepared in advance of science and staples in fostering a household. Prepare early as possible all the needs related to marriage in order to marry at a young age.

Source: http://www.fimadani.com/

Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Fish in the Bathtub, Is Still Holy Water?

Assalamuallaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

I want to ask, what is the ruling if we put the fish in the bathtub with the intent that no mosquito larvae. Does it remain holy water or something? thanks.

Try Aprillio Bimo

Wassalamuallaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

The scholars of the Shafi'i school of dissent in menghukumi fish waste;

According to the majority of scholars' Shafi'i schools, legal fish waste unclean. Imam Nawawi stated that this is recognized in the opinion of the Shafi'i madhhab. Meanwhile, according to some scholars' fish waste convicted sacred, because it objects exposed to these impurities such as cooking oil when exposed to dirt not defiled the fish. The author of the book Al ibanah assess menghukumi opinion holy fish waste is Ashoh opinion, even Imam Al Rosyidi claimed that the sacred dirt menghukumi opinion is the opinion of the mu'tamad fish.

Referring to disagreements over. If follow the notion that the fish waste unclean convicted, the law is broken out as follows;

1. If the placement of fish into the pond or aquarium because there is intent, such that the fish eat the impurities present in the pond or aquarium then the law droppings dima'fu (forgiven), so that water is sacred as long as it remains judged not to change one character (smell, taste and color) for the fish feces.

2. If the placement is not because there is hunger, just for decoration. then the law is not dima'fu dung, so that the water that is inside judged unclean (mutanajjis) when the water is only a tiny fraction (less than 2 kulah). Meanwhile, if a lot of water (2 kulah or more) then the water is unclean, if convicted, to change one character (color, smell and taste) caused by the penetration of the fish feces, and not judged impure water when its properties are not to change.

Meanwhile, if we follow the opinion of scholars who menghukumi sacred fish waste, the waste is certainly not in question, although the nature of the water until it turns. Allaah knows best. []

1. Al Wasit, Juz: 1, Page: 154
2. Al Bayan, Juz: 4 things: 525
3. Al Majmu ', Juz: 2 Page: 550
4. Bughyatul Mustarsyidin, Page: 32
5. Hasyiyah Fath al Rosyidi Ala jawad, Page: 44
6. Asnal Matholib, Juz: 1 Page: 13
7. Hasyiyah Alal Al-Bujairomi-Khotib, Juz: 1 Page: 94
8. Hasyiyah Asy-Syarwani Ala Tuhfatul Muhtaj, Juz: 1 Page: 98
9. http://www.fikihkontemporer.com/2012/11/kotoran-ikan-dalam-kolam-dan-aquarium.html


Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

Ahead of Doomsday, Man will Fornicate in the Streets

HAS much we are witnessing at the moment adultery rampant everywhere. However, towards the last day, after the man passed through the golden age (with the decline of the Prophet Isa AS and leads humans by al-Mahdi), people will live in the worst possible conditions, like animals. Prophet Muhammad told him about the incident, as narrated by Abu Hurairah RA:

"By the One that my soul in His hand, these people will not be extinct, until a man came to women, then fuck her in the street. So the best people at the time were saying: 'It would be nice if you hide behind the wall. "(Reported by Abu Ya'la)

This is the height of human depravity in adultery that will recur at the end of time, after the death of Prophet Isa AS and Imam Mahdi. Man will return to the time of ignorance, even worse. People who are not sane will engage in intercourse like animals openly, in the streets, on the bridge, in the open and many people watch.

Worse yet, the best people when it was not able to say anything when watching, in addition to calling for adultery in that place out of the way and do it in a somewhat closed. In fact, there are among the best when it is seen it is also interested in conducting such depraved acts, but his conscience asks him to do so in secret. If so is the best man at the time, how the immoral man?

Rasulullah SAW said: "And all that remains is the worst kind of man, they had sex in it like an ass, then they end will occur." (Muslim)

Lucky on this day people still found sane and healthy condemn and reject the depraved acts and the crime. Wallohu'alam

NASA: Sun Upcoming From West

The truth of the teachings of Islam constantly evidenced by the discovery after discovery of knowledge and science. The latest shocking fact, the position of the Earth's poles begin to shift, a sign of the sun will rise from the west.

One thousand four hundred (1400) years ago, the Prophet Muhammad has been stated in the hadith, someday the sun will rise from the west as proof of the majesty of God and the characteristics of the apocalypse was imminent:

"It will not happen apocalypse so the sunrise from the setting, if he had risen from the west, and all people see it then all of them will believe, and that time is of no use faith of one who has never been a believer before that." (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah).

The sun rises from the West will take place during a single day, then flee the door of repentance. After that, the movement of the sun will be back as before rises in the east until the Hour.

Sun Upcoming From West

It is appropriate and justified by NASA researchers in the article below. From Ibn 'Abbas, "So Ubai bin Ka'b said:" So how would the sun and man after that? "He replied:" The sun will still emit light and will be published as previously published, and people will face (duties tasks) their world, if the horse a man give birth to her child, then he will not be able to ride a horse until the Hour. "(Fath al-Bari, Kitab Arriqaq, Juz 11 Thulu'issyamsi Min Maghribiha).

Scientists evidenced Physics and He Finally Embrace Islam

Bolykov Demitri, a lady physicist who love the study and scientific research, says that the entrance to Islam was physics. It is indeed a highly scientific, how physics could push Demitri Bolyakov convert to Islam? Demitri said that he joined in a scientific study led by Prof. Nicolai Kosinikov, one expert in the field of physics.

They are in a study of a sample of which was tested in the laboratory to study a modern theory that explains the earth's rotation and axis. They managed to establish the theory. However Dimetri knows that narrated in a hadith of the Prophet saw known to Muslims, including even the core of their faith that strengthens the theory must, in accordance with the results achieved.

Demitri feel confident that this kind of knowledge, which is older than 1,400 years ago as the only one that might be just the creator of this universe.

The theory raised by Prof. Kosinov is a theory that the most recent and most daring in menfsirakan phenomenon of the earth's rotation on its axis. A group of researchers designed a sempel the form of a ball filled with a thin board of molten metal, is placed on the body bermagnit formed from the electrode opposing currents.

When an electric current runs on two electrodes then generate magnetic force and the ball is filled with a thin board of the metal began to spin on its axis, this phenomenon is called "Integral Motion Magno Electro-Dynamics". This motion at substantially into the activity of the earth's rotation on its axis.

At the level of reality in the universe, solar power is the "driving force" that can give birth to a magnetic area that could push the Earth to rotate on its axis. Then the motion of the earth's rotation is in terms of fast or slow as insensitas power solar power. On this basis also the position and direction of the north pole dependent.

Has conducted research that earth's magnetic poles until 1970 moving at a speed of not more than 10 km in a year, but in recent years is the increased speed of up to 40 km in a year. Even in 2001 the Earth's magnetic pole moved from its place until it reaches a distance of 200 km in one motion.

This means the earth with the influence of a magnetic lead two magnetic poles alternately place. This means that the "motion" the earth's rotation will lead to the opposite direction. That's when the sun will rise (out) from the West.

Knowledge and information as Demitri is not found in books or heard of any, but he obtained the conclusion of the results of research and experiments and research. When he examines the heavenly books interfaith, he did not get any instructions to that information other than Islam.

He found that information on a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, that the Prophet SAW said, "Anyone who repents before the sun rises from the west, then God will accept repentance"

This article does not predict when the Hour, but confirmed that the sun will rise from the west as it had been accepted in those sayings by the Prophet Muhammad Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.